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Miss Taylor
Hello, my name is Miss Taylor and I am the science curriculum leader at MCPA. I love the way that science teaches us to
understand the world around us and fosters our children’s natural curiosity all the way from EYFS to Year 6. Through science, our
children are given the opportunity to develop their knowledge of established scientific concepts as well as the skills that equip them to
learn more. Science has gone from strength to strength at MCPA including the fact that we have achieved our Primary Science
Quality Mark in recognition of this.
British Values
Democracy - Take the views and opinions of others into account. Take turns and instructions from others.
Rule of Law - Understand the importance of safety rules when working scientifically. Know that there are
consequences in rules are not followed.
Individual Liberty - Make choices when planning an investigation. Others may have different points of view as to where to start.
Tolerance - Scientific discoveries have come from other cultures. Religious beliefs often compete with scientific understanding.
Mutual Respect - Work as a team and discuss findings. Offer support and advice to others.
Cultural Capital
Cultural capital could be described as the tools that children need to prepare them for their future success in life and work.
At MCPA, not only do we learn how scientific understanding has developed over time as one scientist learns from the next,
we also consider how science has challenged established ideas and driven cultural changes over time. We recognise that in order
for children to be successful scientists they need to understand the relevance of their learning to their own lives and society.
We support them to make links with classroom science and how that applies to their everyday lives and future aspirations.
Each year, science week highlights the role of science in an everyday job and in our homes.
Spiritual - Looking for meaning and purpose in natural and physical phenomena.
- Wonder about what is special about life.
- An awareness of the scale of living things from the small micro-organism to the largest.
- The interdependence of all living things and materials of the Earth.
- Emotional drive to know more and to wonder about the world.
- Wonder at the vastness of space and the beauty of natural objects.
Moral - Pupils to become increasingly curious.
- Development of open mindedness to the suggestions of others.
- Scientific developments may give rise to moral dilemmas.
- Considering the environment.
Social - Group practical work.
- Team working skills.
- Taking responsibility for their own and other people’s safety.
- Understanding that science has a major effect on the quality of our lives and can drive social change.
- Consider the benefits of scientific developments and the social responsibility involved.
Cultural - Scientific discoveries as a part of our culture
Scientific discoveries of other cultures
Scientific discoveries by a wide range of men and women in many different cultures
Environmental issues are central to science.
Personal Development
Exploring the structure and behaviour of the physical, social and natural worlds through observation, discussion and experimentation supports pupils at MCPA to understand the global significance of Science. From managing our health and well-being, choosing
paper over plastic or discovering why the sky is blue, science has an important role in our daily lives.
Hands-on experiments, demonstrations, visits, and speakers/guests, actively provide opportunities for pupils to develop their
ability to demonstrate respect & responsibility whilst building scientific knowledge and sparking their desire to question & challenge.
Communication and collaboration nurture patience and perseverance as pupils work together in developing a better knowledge of
how and why thing’s function. Pupil’s get an appreciation for scepticism through studying science and celebrate curiosity that helps
them understand and formulate questions on the information they have accumulated.
Here at MCPA our Science curriculum supports personal development by developing knowledge & problem solving skills;
boosting critical thinking, cultivating a passion for learning, and supporting children to question, investigate and wonder at
the world, themselves and each other.
Trips and enrichment
ESA Science/gardening club
MOSI trip
Chester Zoo 4 and 6
Meerkats visit in year 1
Farm visit in EYFS and Year 1
Science week
Butterflies in 5
Chicks Reception/EYFS
African snails - Reception
Class pets in early years.
The school’s urban crew help to look after our local environment.
Love your River Irk project.
Eco warriors