hab-dhaqanka iyo hab-dhaqanka
hab dhaqanka iyo habka
Manchester Communication Primary Academy (MCPA) waxay u heellan tahay hubinta in deegaanka dugsigu uu taageero waxbarashada iyo samaqabka carruurta iyo shaqaalaha iyada oo loo marayo dareenka wadajirka bulshada. Iskaashiga, taageerada labada dhinac, iyo ixtiraamku waa aasaaska bulshadeena, waxaanan aad uga shaqaynaa inaanu bixino dugsi badbaado leh oo dhammaan carruurtu dareemaan inay ku jiraan oo lagu qiimeeyo dhinac kasta oo nolosha dugsiga ah.
MCPA waa bulsho kobcisa oo taageerta ilmo kasta; taasoo qof walba ku qiimeeya qiimaha gaarka ah iyo waxtarkiisa; taas oo awood siisa xubin kasta si ay u gaadho awooddeeda ugu buuxda; taas oo u furaysa adduunyo fursado. Waa meel nabdoon oo ay xudduudaha adag hagaan oo ay taageeraan; halkaas oo rajooyin sare u horseedaan waxbarasho nolosha oo dhan ah, halkaas oo dareenka xooggan ee bulshada uu dhiso isku kalsooni iyo is-aamin.
Qiimaha akadeemiyadayada waxa lagu soo koobi karaa erayada soo socda:
always do their best, be truthful and look after the learning environment and their resources.
think of others and learn together.
can create, question, solve and communicate effectively and become role models
SI toos ah
follow clear routines that help us learn and have simple, effective procedures that are consistently applied.
caring for themselves, their learning and their development and others.
xeerarka iyo filashooyinka
Waa maxay sababta sharciyadu muhiim u yihiin
Xeerarka boodhka
habdhaqanka barashada 'ARE' filashooyinka
MCPA School Rules:
Ready; to focus on learning!
Safe; looking after our school and everyone in it.
Respectful; of everyone!
wanaagsan inuu cagaar noqdo
Dulucda nidaamka
Sawirka shaxda
boodhka nidaamka kaadhka
Fasalka dojo
Hordhac dojo
Sheeko Dojo
Dojo ayaa tilmaamaya
Class dojo
The academy ensures that all members of staff motivate learners and promote the highest standards of behaviour, within the context of learning, by using a variety of rewards to recognise positive behaviour.
ClassDojo enables staff to;
Award feedback points for specific ‘community qualities’ and class specific accomplishments
Let pupils reflect on their in-class performance with their pupil accounts
Support children in building positive learning habits
Break down potential barriers between the classroom and home
Keep parents informed about child’s progress
At MCPA we use ‘Class Dojo’ to record and track Dojos/house points that have been awarded. Pupils are awarded Dojos/house points in celebration of them demonstrating one of our ‘Community Qualities’ or for showing they have consistently met the class target for that week.
Dojo points are calculated each week and ‘Dojo Champions’ from each class are recognised & celebrated in our weekly celebration assembly.