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Miss Pliener
My name is Miss Pliener and I am the curriculum leader for History at MCPA. I have always had a passion for History and love the way
it can be brought to life through archeological evidence, artefacts, role play and other primary and secondary sources. History
helps our children understand their place in the world and inspires them to become critical thinkers who query the information
they are given and ask relevant questions.
British Values
The British values are embedded in our History curriculum. The children explore issues such as democracy throughout
history and relate them to modern day through studying Ancient Greece, The Royal Family and The Changing Role of the Monarchy.
This helps students understand changes over time and the impact it has.
By exploring the lives and achievements of famous people throughout History (Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria, Boudicca, Lowry, Turing, Pankhurst), children develop an understanding of how they have influenced and changed the country in which we live.
Throughout the curriculum, children are taught to respect and value diversity by learning about different people, different cultures and different beliefs, which is one of our main themes and the children have many opportunities to work with other children.
Cultural Capital
Through quality first teaching, using primary and secondary sources, children accumulate knowledge and skills, which demonstrate
their cultural awareness. Through topics like Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Early Islamic Civilisations, children learn about different
cultures and can link it back to their own, discussing similarities and differences. This understanding will support their success in
society, career and the world of work.
Our History curriculum provides the children significant opportunities to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. The children
will learn about different beliefs throughout history and how they have shaped today's world. Children will be asked to consider moral questions and dilemmas and look at events that would be deemed unacceptable in today's society. The children will explore the
similarities and differences between today's society and those of the past and examine the impact of different peoples on British culture.
The children will develop a better understanding of our multicultural society through studying links between Manchester, British,
European and World History.
Personal Development
History is a story, a story of conquest and of conquerors, of exploration and adventure, of trust and deception.
History fills our human need for tales about ourselves and about the things that we have done.
In short, History is the study of change, developing the ability to learn from the past to drive a better future. The world is driven by
change, which is continuously shaping our lives in ways that we don’t even realise. Studying history enables pupils to understand how
forces shape our lives; our curriculum outlines how the past is key to the present. We aim to equip pupils with the desire and capacity
to understand the world around them and to consider how this came to be; preparing children for next stages and adulthood by
teaching them about society, how to engage with it and providing them with opportunities to do so.
We want to spark question and curiosity in children; to move and motivate them with dilemmas, beliefs, and decisions of the past.
We help pupils develop their own identities through an understanding of history at personal, local, national, and international levels.
At MCPA we want our pupils to be the author of their own stories in history; we support them by equipping them with skills and
knowledge required for adult life, by supporting the building of employability skills and an ability to contribute to debate and actively contribute to a democratic society. We embrace the diversity of our school and inclusive ethos, encouraging shared understanding of the historical origins of our ethnic and cultural diversity; supporting pupils to become balanced, confident, and reflective individuals.
Trips and enrichment
Y1 - No trip currently
Y2 - Emmeline Pankhurst Statue
Y3 - Manchester Museum Ancient Egyptians
Y4 - Viking Day in School
Y5 - Quarry Bank Mill Industrial Revolution
Y6 - National Holocaust Museum Workshop in School, WW1 Loan box from Imperial War Museum