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Mr Mulvany & Mrs Brown
Hi! I'm Mr. Mulvany, and I have the privilege of serving as the curriculum leader for Maths at MCPA. Our journey with Maths No Problem
began in 2016, and since then, we've witnessed remarkable growth within our school community. Our dedication to Singapore mastery
maths has remained unwavering, continually evolving and adapting to best meet the needs of our students.
My name is Mrs Brown and have been a teacher at MCPA for the last 9 years. I am also the co –leader for early maths and I am a teacher in the nursery. I have developed a real passion for teaching maths in the early years and want to make sure all pupils have the best start by providing many opportunities to develop their numeracy skills, so that pupils can gain a deep understanding of numbers. I feel proud to be part of our journey in developing a mastery approach to maths in the early years and collectively creating an environment where students can thrive with their mathematical skills and understanding.
One of our most recent achievements has been the development of an outstanding approach to mastery maths in the Early Years
Foundation Stage (EYFS). This commitment to excellence ensures a seamless and cohesive curriculum journey for our young learners,
from the very first day in nursery to their completion of Year 6.
British Values
Rule of Law - In maths, pupils learn a range of rules which they subsequently apply. Whilst these are not rules of law,
they do help children to understand that rules must be applied consistently.
Respect and Tolerance - Pupils are expected to treat each other with respect and acceptance at all times
Cultural Capital
Cultural capital is defined as the essential knowledge for pupils’ success in later life and work. Mathematical knowledge is
therefore cultural capital - pupils need an in-depth understanding of number, shape, space, measure and statistics to succeed in life.
They will apply this knowledge in day to day situations such as money and measures. In addition, our EYFS maths curriculum makes use
of key texts which help to explain the concepts taught. These texts are representative of a range of cultures, contexts and characteristics.
Social - We promote social development in Maths through the varied and flexible groupings children have the opportunities
to work in. Within maths lessons, children may work independently, in pairs, small groups, similar and mixed ability. In all these
ways of working the children are encouraged to discuss, listen, share ideas, reason, question, offer constructive criticism and
present their ideas to a wider audience. The values of mutual respect, teamwork and the idea that we learn from our mistakes are
integral to all work in Maths.
Cultural - We promote cultural development in Maths through linking aspects of the curriculum with mathematical ideas
from other cultures and times that have helped to form mathematics as we know it today. For example, we may explore
Egyptian symbols, Roman numerals, Chinese methods for teaching maths and, in a more modern-day context, children will
explore time zones around the world and practise converting money into different currencies. All these experiences help to
promote the richness of mathematics and build the children’s understanding of how maths has developed and will continue
to evolve as we move into an ever greater digital age.
Personal Development
Our Maths curriculum contributes to a pupil’s personal development and ability to thrive by encouraging children to
develop a growth mindset and attempt all tasks to the best of their ability through independent and collaborative learning.
We aim to build pupil confidence and introduce children to concepts, skills and thinking strategies that are essential in everyday
life and support learning across the curriculum. Maths at MCPA helps children make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they
see in the world around them, offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners.
We want children to experience the excitement of an unexpected discovery; to build their confidence as they look for patterns,
use logical reasoning, suggest solutions, try out different approaches, and learn from mistakes.
Maths offers children a powerful way of communicating and supports them in exploring how Maths contributes to our economy,
society and culture. Here at MCPA we want Maths to stimulate curiosity, foster creativity and equip our children with the skills
they need in life beyond school.
Trips and enrichment
Children access timestables rockstars and are rewarded for doing so- the highest scoring
rockstars in Y4 announced in assembly each week. -
2023 sees 2 MCPA teams entering the KS2 mathematics competition through quiz club for the first time.
Our end of year transition scheme of learning in 2023 will have an enterprise focus, with children gaining valuable
skills in using and handling money. This is something which our Community Quality champions experience throughout
the year as they fundraise for their chosen charities. -
Our members of the Urban Crew are required to use their maths skills in their own enterprise competition, hosted annually at MCA.