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Miss Watson
My name is Miss Watson and I am the curriculum leader for Modern Foreign Languages at MCPA. My love for languages comes from
time I spent living and teaching abroad, where I understood how important it is to be able to speak other languages.
I now speak Italian, Chinese and a little French and Spanish.
This is my favourite subject to teach because languages can be taught in fun and dynamic ways that allow children to enjoy
learning and become confident quickly. At MCPA, we use songs, videos, games and peer conversations.
British Values
Democracy - The MFL classroom must be a democratic classroom where all pupils have an equal right to be heard and
democracy is modelled by the teacher and expected of every pupil.
Mutual respect - Mutual respect is taught and given when children are expressing their opinions and beliefs. Children are
taught and encouraged to show respect to each other’s beliefs, feelings and opinions by giving each child a forum to share
these on with the expectation that these must be listened to.
Tolerance - Pupils are taught about historical, cultural and religious differences between the UK and Spain (with some
reference to other Spanish speaking countries as well). Other cultures are always discussed in a respectful manner,
emphasising that although things may be different, each culture is equally valuable and to be respected.
Individual Liberty - Children will explore their own individual liberty by considering themselves as global citizens
and beginning to explore possibilities for travelling to, or even working in, other parts of the world when they are older.
Cultural Capital
Through developing their competence and interest in MFL the children will be able to make a positive contribution to the
society within which they live and enable them to be successful in their career and the world of work.
We want all of our pupils across our school to leave MCPAt, by the end of KS2, with aspirational goals for their future, without any limitations.
Spiritual - Have Respect for each other.
- Learning different languages helps to think about things differently
- More awareness that they are part of a wider world
Social - Work as teams groups/ pairs for discussion
- Encourages helping each other
Cultural - Learning about different languages, cultural choices and music.
- Acceptance that English isn't always their first language
Personal Development
MCPA serves a diverse community; the patchwork of language in and around school is rich and varied. Our MFL curriculum supports
pupils with the learning of a foreign language and encourages pupils to consider the learning of a foreign language, and the
educational, social and cultural experience, to be one of value and enjoyment.
MFL enables pupils to consider, support and develop their self-confidence and broadens their cultural horizons.
Pupils develop communication and literacy skills that lay the foundation for future language learning; build linguistic competence,
extend their knowledge of how language works and explore differences and similarities between English and French/Spanish.
This can improve their level of competence in English. Learning another language raises awareness of the multilingual and multicultural world and introduces an international dimension to pupils’ learning, giving them an insight into their own culture and those of others.
The learning of a foreign language provides a medium for cross-curricular links and for reinforcement of knowledge, skills and
understanding developed in other subjects. Pupils who learn a modern foreign language also see benefits in terms of gains in
speaking and listening skills and an enthusiasm for new forms of learning. All pupils can enjoy learning a MFL and feel included.
Trips and enrichment
ESA Italian club