
Mr Bagguley
My name is Mr Bagguley and I am the curriculum leader for computing at MCPA. I have always had a love of computing throughout my life with part of my university degree focusing on analysing data and creating multimedia. With everything in the world moving towards computers I believe it is important for our children to develop their computer literacy at early ages so they can go off beyond school and have the best possible opportunities from the knowledge they have gained.
British Values
Democracy - In computing we are learning to understand and be considerate to the views of other internet users. We understand that
we are each part of the democracy of the internet and that we can each, in our own small way, affect the way the internet exists.
Rule of Law - In computing we understand the use of rules on computers and the internet, such as when we are allowed to use
social media and what we are allowed to post and share. We understand that rules are to keep others and ourselves safe and
to help the internet to be an enjoyable and engaging place.
Mutual Respect - In computing we appreciate and understand the views of others, our right to challenge, question and discuss
opinions and views, and to do this in a respectable and thoughtful way. We understand that as we are connected with the
world while accessing the internet, we are exposed to the widest range of views, and we are learning to respect them.
Individual Liberty - In computing we understand how to use our right to freedom of speech in a respectable and thoughtful way,
being considerate of how this speech will affect others. We understand the freedom the internet and computers offer us in
discovering information and connecting us with the world.
Tolerance - In computing we understand that we are connected to people across the whole world. We understand that these
are people from different communities, cultures, faiths and beliefs. We use the opportunities offered in computing to question,
challenge and understand people with these different characteristics to support and develop our tolerance of them.
Cultural Capital
We provide engaging computing lessons weekly for every child in which we include various experiences to develop their skills
to prepare them for the real world. We aim to foster children’s curiosity and fascination with technology so that this thirst for
knowledge remains with them for the rest of their lives.
Encouraging good etiquette when using digital technology including mobile devices and with due regard to e-safety.
Encouraging respect for other people’s views and opinions. Encouraging respect for all our computing equipment. Exploring
moral issues around the around the use of digital technology - For example, copyright and plagiarism. Teaching children about
cyber bullying and what to do if it happens to themselves or a friend.
Social - Encouraging students to assist one another in problem solving. Encouraging appropriate social behaviours in the
classroom including listening whilst others are talking and generally interacting as caring a community. Encouraging good
practice and respect in the use of social networking.
Cultural - Encouraging the sensible use of digital technology in the classroom and homework situations as children are living
in a digitally cultural environment. Empowering pupils to apply their ICT and computing skills and knowledge to the wider
curriculum and acknowledge links between subjects.
Personal Development
Society is becoming ever more reliant on technology and most jobs, social interactions utilise some form of technology.
Here at MCPA we offer a high-quality computing curriculum that aims to prepare children for accessing those jobs and through
teaching computational thinking and problem solving allows children to develop the skills they need to use technology effectively
and safely; we instil in pupils a strong awareness of online safety and support them to recognise online risks to protect their well-being.
Pupil’s enjoy the feeling of solving a problem, through a hands-on approach, computing lessons give all children the opportunity to feel a sense of accomplishment, whether that be fixing a bug in their code, programming a robot to follow a command, or creating their own game.
Our Computing curriculum provides opportunities for the children to understand and reflect morally on the possible consequences
of different actions and situations. Social development is promoted as children are encouraged to work collaboratively, sharing ideas and skills, which in turn supports their social development through communication and interaction. Pupils are presented with new opportunities
to communicate through different media and to explore aspects of their own culture and the culture of others; this supports mutual
respect, cultural awareness and supports holistic development of pupils.
Trips and enrichment
ESA Computing club.