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informações dos governadores

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Como parte do Greater Manchester Academies Trust, o órgão governante local MCPA reporta-se diretamente ao conselho do GMAT Trust. Encontre a Estrutura do Governador do GMAT aqui

O Corpo Governante Local tem um subcomitê (Qualidade da Educação). Subcomitês adicionais são formados conforme a necessidade. Clique aqui para visualizar o Registro de Governadores de Negócios e Interesses Pecuniários e Registros de Participação


nossos governadores

Para todas as correspondências para o presidente do MCPA, envie para 49 Parkstead drive, Harpurhey, Manchester M9 5QN



VICE CHAIR e governador de ensino, aprendizagem e resultados

“Tendo me aposentado de mais de 30 anos trabalhando na área de educação, decidi que gostaria de usar minha experiência para tentar ajudar uma escola que está perto do meu coração; MCPA.  

Na minha carreira, trabalhei como professora primária, diretora de duas escolas, consultora educacional (para escolas, autoridades locais e BBC) e coach profissional. Além disso, sou governador de uma escola em Oldham há mais de 25 anos. Estou interessado em todos os aspectos da governança escolar, mas especialmente em aprendizagem, ensino e desenvolvimento de pessoal. Minha missão como governador é ajudar a tornar a MCPA a melhor escola possível.  

Quando não sou governador, gosto de dirigir e manter minhas motocicletas, assistir ao FC United of Manchester em Broadhurst Park (onde sou membro e portador de um ingresso para a temporada), tocar meus ukuleles e dirigir meu velho Morris Minor! ”

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Katie Flett

EYFS lead governor.
Link staff: Hayley Carty, AHT for lower school
date of appointment - 

Claire currently works at Charlestown Community Primary School and is the deputy head overseeing the quality of education. Claire has worked at Charlestown for eight years and is passionate about ensuring all children receive the best possible education and experiences at school. Over the past year, she has really enjoyed working alongside the staff at MCPA and is excited to contribute to the future success of the school as a governor!  

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Sayem Choudhury

Pupil premium e catch up lead governor

Hello, I am Christina, and I am local to Moston not too far from MCPA.

This is my 5th year as a School Governor. I first became a Governor when my twin daughters started nursery at MCPA.  I have a passion for the people and the community I live in. I love being a part of the Harpurhey and Moston communities and enjoy getting involved in lots of community events.


I wanted to be a Parent Governor because I believe every parent’s voice should be heard no matter what their background, language, and beliefs are or where they are from.

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matthew maguinness

INCLUSÃO e governador líder de comportamento


I have been a teacher in this area for over 20 years; the first 10 years in a primary school in North Manchester and then in the secondary sector at MCA, where I have worked since it first opened. I therefore have a very strong commitment to the young people in this area and am passionate about ensuring that they have the best opportunities possible through access to the highest quality of education throughout their school life and beyond. In addition to my teaching role, I also oversee the transition of students from primary school into their first year at secondary school here at MCA. This is a pivotal point in the lives of our students and as curriculum governor at MCPA, I am very much looking forward to helping to shape the learning opportunities for students across the primary phase and on into secondary.

This will be my first experience of governorship and I am very much looking forward to the new challenges it will bring. When I’m not working, I am an avid reader and also enjoy swimming and playing tennis.


Ashley Wolstenholme

governador líder da equipe e do BEM-ESTAR

Sharon joined MCPA in 2016 as a trainee teacher where she gained  QTS and PGCE in Primary education.  Seven years later and Sharon is currently the Nursery Teacher, as well as the subject lead for RE across the whole school. 

Sharon is very much looking forward to joining the Local Governing Body as the Staff Governor.  Over the last seven years, Sharon has established positive relationships with pupils, parents and staff which will continue within this role. 

Outside of her teaching role, Sharon enjoys spending time with her family and pets as well as the occasional yoga session!

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laura blakeledge

SEND lead governor.
Link staff: Alice Hall, AHT for SEND.
date of appointment - 03/10/2022

I currently work at a specialist support school and have a great passion for working with children with all types of learning difficulties, I have a wide range of experience in ASD, SLD and PMLD. I believe my resources and knowledge can help and support parents, guardians and children in a mainstream setting. My passion is for every child, no matter of their needs or backgrounds, is to receive the same education and to be valued as an individual. 

I have been involved with MCPA for over 7 years as my children attends here, but also through completing my placement which ignited my passion and inspired me to go on to work with children with additional needs.

As a Parent Governor and someone who works in SEN Education, I will be able to help and advise on difficult challenges which may arise.


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Ehsen Niazi

Behaviour lead governor.
Link staff: Ian Williams, DHT for inclusion
date of appointment - 03/10/2023

I am delighted to serve as a Parent Governor at Manchester Communication Primary Academy, contributing my professional expertise and dedication to fostering an enriching educational environment for all students. I bring a wealth of experience as an Operations Director in the insurance sector, overseeing operations across four sites in two countries.

In my role as Operations Director, I am responsible for orchestrating and optimizing the day-to-day activities of our diverse teams, ensuring seamless coordination across international boundaries. My commitment to efficiency, strategic planning, and effective communication has allowed me to successfully navigate the complexities of the insurance industry while
fostering a positive and collaborative work culture.


My decision to serve as a Parent Governor is driven by a passion for education and a genuine interest in the well-being and development of our students. As a parent of two daughters attending Manchester Communication Primary Academy, I am deeply invested in the success and growth of the school community. This personal connection, combined with
my professional background, positions me well to contribute meaningfully to the school's governance.

I believe in the power of education to shape the future, and my goal as a Parent Governor is to work collaboratively with the school's leadership to ensure that Manchester Communication Primary Academy continues to provide an outstanding learning experience. I am dedicated to promoting transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making within the governance structure.


I look forward to actively engaging with fellow parents, teachers, and the wider school community to address challenges and identify opportunities for improvement. Together, we can create an environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and personally. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I am here
to serve as a bridge between the school and the parent community, working towards our common goal of providing the best possible educational experience for our children.


alex reed


Trabalho com a Greater Manchester Academies Trust desde a abertura de sua escola original - Manchester Communication Academy, em 2010, onde lecionei Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas por vários anos.  Desde 2015, tenho o privilégio de ser um líder sênior na Manchester Communication Primary Academy depois de me mudar da MCA e, em 2018, me tornei o diretor da escola. Estou extremamente orgulhoso desta escola e de tudo o que conquistamos desde o nosso início, e continuarei a trabalhar com os alunos, funcionários, governadores e confiança para garantir que o MCPA seja um lugar onde todos se destacam.


No meu tempo livre (e muitas vezes na escola) gosto de música, o que inclui tocar violão e piano. Eu também gosto de assistir meu time, York City FC, jogar futebol. 

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