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Mrs Bashir & Ms Lewis
My name is Mrs Bashir and I am the writing lead at MCPA. Writing has always been a subject that I have enjoyed teaching as it allows
children to use their imagination and express themselves. In 2017, I introduced Talk for Writing at our school. The journey that our
children take in writing is wonderful to see. They begin with mark marking in EYFS and build on this early writing skill to become
fantastic authors, entertainers, informers and poets by the time they leave us in year 6.
My name is Ms Lewis and I am a class teacher for Year 1 at MCPA and I have recently taken the role of early years writing lead.
I have always had a keen interest in writing and I enjoy watching the progress of writing from mark making all the way to writing for
pleasure. I have a good understanding of writing as an EAL learner and I take pleasure in watching writing grow through the awe
and wonder of reading and how their imagination flows through into children’s writing.
British Values
Key texts allow for discussion on fundamental British values e.g. The Boy at the Back of the Class (Respect and Tolerance),
Rainbow Fish (Respect and Tolerance & Individual Liberty) and The Butterfly Lion (Rule of Law). Writing allows children to
develop their imagination and be creative, promoting Individual Liberty.
Cultural Capital
Writing lessons provide the children with the knowledge and skills that a pupil can draw upon to be successful in society, their
career and the world of work.
Key texts allow for discussion on moral and social issues (The Butterfly Lion and The Boy at the Back of the Class).
Different cultures are explored through key texts (linked to writing curriculum- The Boy at the Back of the Class/ The Explorer/
Coming home/ The Butterfly Lion/ Flat Stanley’s African Safari) and events such as Refugee Week - Malala/ Coming to England).
S&L opportunities allow for discussion on recognising right and wrong; understanding consequences; investigating moral and ethical
issues and offering reasoned views. Writing lessons allow children to use their social skills in different contexts; working well with
others (hot seating, debating, conscience alley, group discussions).
Personal Development
Writing is a tool for thinking and learning; it is an essential life skill.
Here at MCPA we believe that writing significantly contributes to a child’s capacity and confidence to participate in society and
opens the door to educational and personal growth. Emotional expression and exploration, reflection,/decision making, and
creative experimentation are all nurtured through writing. Writing is a wonderful way to encourage social-emotional growth,
something that we believe will support and benefit our children throughout their lives.
Trips and enrichment
Writing competitions are held throughout the year in order to further promote writing.
Author visits are planned for either in school, online or at Central Library/ local library.
World Book Day is part of a Book Week where children focus on a key text and incorporate reading and writing activities.
During Storytelling week, the Community Champions read a story to a class.
Each year group uses a key text during Refugee Week from which they plan for reading and writing opportunities.
Children in years 1 -6 all have Spelling Shed access.
Writing is promoted across the curriculum.
Trips to the local and Central Library