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The Urban Crew is made up of a group of up to ten Year 5 children. The crew take part in a range of activities throughout the year both in and out of school.

The Urban Crew is a citizenship project that is run in conjunction with Manchester Communications Academy and Northwards Housing.

With a focus on ‘Community & Environment’ pupils work as a team to drive positive change and to forge and nurture trusting relationships. 

Completing a diverse range of challenges, the crew gather evidence, in a variety of forms, that contribute towards their final certification; this is an ASDAN accreditation, equivalent to one unit of a GCSE!

During the year, pupils complete around 35 hours of activity achieved through play/lunchtime duties; patrols; workshops; community visits; an ESA Day (Extra School Activities) and an Enterprise Day, held at MCA. They also have to plan and deliver an assembly to the whole school!

Urban Crew also operate the 'You've Been Spotted' system; this recognises and celebrates children who are ‘spotted’ being kind to their friends, looking after our school or demonstrating our MCPA Community Qualities.

meet the crew



I am obsessed with gaming.  My favourite foods are my mums.  My favourite person is my mum because she feeds me and gives me shelter.  I hope you guys have a nice day.



I love my friends and my family, they mean a lot to me.  I also love being in the Urban Crew because I am a quarter of help saving the world.  My favourite subjects are English, Science, Maths and Spanish.  I like my job to save the environment because I am very good with nature and animals and I also really like nature as well.  I also have a great time on trips.  I never knew that I could have friends and family like mine. I am 9 years old.



I am 10 years old.  My favourite hobby is reading which I really enjoy.  My team that I support is Manchester City.  My favourite colour is pink and green.  My family contains 4 people, my dad, my mum, my sister and myself.  My favourite subjects are English, Maths and Science.  I like these because it makes me learn lots of facts!  I am very kind and caring.  My favourite sport is swimming.



I am 9 years old.  I have a little sister who is really cheeky. I have lots of friends.  My bestie is Betsy. My favourite subject is English.  I like to go to the cinema. My favourite film is Inside Out 2.



I like being in Urban Crew as I want to make the world a cleaner place.  I have a brother Logan who was in Urban Crew too. I like playing Roblox and WWE.



I have a dog named Simba. I love school and I love the Urban Crew. All my friends in Urban Crew are nice.  I like to make many things. My BFF is in Urban Crew, her name is Mya. I like baking brownies with my sister.  My favourite subject is Maths.



I am 9 years old. I really like Urban Crew. I also love cats and dogs. I am a cat lover.  I have a cat called Simba. I also love doing puzzles.



I joined Urban Crew because I love helping the environment.  I love science and nearly all of the subjects.  I like to cook chocolate brownies.  I also like to do origami for my friends and make them laugh.  I also like to play outside and make things with mud. 



I am 9 years old.  I have a dog called Poppy.  I am a big football fan and my favourite team is Man United.  My favourite player is RONALDO!.  One thing about me is that I really like Science, but I don’t really show it.  I love doing experiments.

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