learning at the academy
Here at MCPA, we know that learning takes many forms, and takes place in many different contexts. Our enrichment offer ensures that our curriculum is engaging, makes use of real-life contexts and first-hand experiences.
This means that we ensure that our children undertake a wide range of trips, are visited by experts and professionals, and have an excellent number of opportunities. Our MCPA opportunities commitment is a key part of who we are. Children who attend our school from nursery to Y6, will have access to all of the 'MCPA opportunities' which can be seen lower down on this page.
Pupil leadership opportunities are also a key form of enrichment. At MCPA we have a school council, urban crew and community quality champions.
trips and visitors at mcpa
At MCPA we think it is important to have a wide range of opportunities for our children. We recognise that learning doesn't just happen in the classroom and therefore provide children with additional learning experiences.
This includes trips, visitors and external workshops. Here is what happens in each year group:
Year Group
Trips / Visitors
Butterfly experience
Pantomime visit
Chick experience
Hero visitors (e.g doctor, police officer etc)
Travelling farm
Walk and picnic to Queens Park
African snails experience
Bridgewater Hall
Chick experience
Visit from the Elderly
Traveling farm
Walk and picnic at Queens Park
A walk in the local area
Toy museum
Church visit
Football museum
Mosque visit
Visit to the Lowry
Visit to the Emmeline Pankhurst Statue
Visit to the Central Library
Visit to the Forest School
Visit to Uppermill village
Visit to North City Library
Hindu temple visit
Visit to Mr Rowland's Library
Roman workshop
Visit to MOSI
Jewish museum visit
Visit to MCA technology classrooms
Visit to Castlefield Basin
Viking workshop
British Muslim Heritage Centre
Quarry Bank Mill visit
Visit to Bridgewater Hall
Police museum
Macbeth workshop
Imperial war museum visit
Chester Zoo visit
Go to the theatre
Discover a favourite sport
Sing the national anthem
Visit the park
Learn to swim
Stay away from home for a night
Perform a poem
Eat something you've planted
Climb a big hill
Visit the zoo
Learn about each other's culture and beliefs
Help a local community group
Learn to cook
Learn a language
Go to the beach and build a sandcastle
Visit lots of museums and love them
Hold an insect or reptile
Sing like no-one's listening
Raise money for charity
Become a library member
Look after an animal
Meet, and thank a police officer, fire fighter and paramedic
Learn an instrument
Make a den
Visit places of worship
Start a fire
Manage a budget
urban crew
The Urban Crew is a group of up to ten Year 5 children. The crew take part in a range of activities throughout the year both in and out of school.
The Urban Crew is a citizenship project that is run in conjunction with Manchester Communications Academy and Northwards Housing.
With a focus on ‘Community & Environment’ pupils work as a team to drive positive change and to forge and nurture trusting relationships.
Completing a diverse range of challenges, the crew gather evidence, in a variety of forms, that contribute towards their final certification; this is an ASDAN accreditation, equivalent to one unit of a GCSE!
During the year, pupils complete around 35 hours of activity achieved through play/lunchtime duties; patrols; workshops; community visits; an ESA Day (Extra School Activities) and an Enterprise Day, held at MCA. They also have to plan and deliver an assembly to the whole school!
Urban Crew also operate the 'You've Been Spotted' system; this recognises and celebrates children who are ‘spotted’ being kind to their friends, looking after our school or demonstrating our MCPA Community Qualities.
Click here to see our team
SCHOOL council and Pupils' voice
At Manchester Communication Primary Academy, we believe in the importance of giving children the opportunity to be heard as well as encouraging them to get involved in shaping the future of their school, local community and the wider world.
Pupils' Voice provides further opportunity for every pupil to discuss their feelings about school - from both an academic and pastoral perspective - to ensure that they are active participants in their education. Every pupil is encouraged to express their views, and be active participants in decision-making on a range of topics, issues & developments in school.
We want to give children the relevant skills in leadership and empathy, whilst nurturing each child in their development of our school community qualities. Our aim is to create a positive and inclusive community within the school that prepares children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
The MCPA Council is made up of 12 pupils from Years 2-6 who are elected by their peers. The School Council gets involved in many aspects of the school in order to help make the school an even better place. Our older pupils take great pride in the responsibilities they are provided with including modelling to younger council representatives how to become great councillors.
Any child can become part of the School Council; they are elected following democratic class elections, which are held at the start of the year.
The School Council meets once a week with the school PSHE lead, who helps facilitate their meetings. Using ideas from the rest of the school, they pick one project each term to work on focusing on either an improvement to the school, local community or an environmental project.
The children work together to create action plans, delegate jobs, run whole school assemblies and hold meetings to work on their projects.
Through the school Council, all pupils at MCPA have the opportunity to raise issues, share ideas and take part in discussions that involve all of their peers in reaching a democratic solution.
friends and family of mcpa
Friends and Families of MCPA is a group of parents and carers who with the support of our family worker and GMAT family team, do the following:
- Plan and run fundraising events for the school, to buy things like playground enhancements. These have included film nights, discos and sales.
- Run charity events such as Macmillan cake sales.
- Hold a weekly coffee morning which provides an opportunity for all parents to network, access services and make new friends.
The group’s membership is completely informal, some parents come frequently, others just every now and then. Some support every event, some just support one or two.
If this is something you would like to be involved with, please get in touch with our family worker- Lorraine Carlin, our DSL or Jess Moreno, our pupil and family support worker.