reftar û helwest
etîk û nêzîkatî
Akademiya Seretayî ya Ragihandinê ya Manchesterê (MCPA) ji bo piştrastkirina ku hawîrdora dibistana me piştgirî dide fêrbûn û xweşbûna zarok û karmendan bi hestek bihêz a hevgirtina civakê ve girêdayî ye. Hevkarî, piştgirî û rêzgirtin bingehên civaka me ne û em bi dijwarî dixebitin da ku dibistanek ewle peyda bikin ku tê de hemî zarok di her warê jiyana dibistanê de xwe tê de hîs bikin û bi nirx bin.
MCPA civakek e ku her zarokek mezin dike û piştgirî dike; ku qîmetê dide nirx û tevkariya yekta ya her kesî; ku hêz dide her endamek ku bigihîje potansiyela xwe ya herî tam; ku cîhanek derfetan vedike. Ew cîhek ewlehiyê ye ku sînorên hişk rêberî û piştgirî dikin; li cihê ku hêviyên bilind dibe sedema hînbûna heyatî, li wir hestek bihêz a civakê xwebawerî û xwebaweriyê ava dike.
Nirxên Akademiya me dikare di van peyvan de were kurt kirin:
always do their best, be truthful and look after the learning environment and their resources.
think of others and learn together.
can create, question, solve and communicate effectively and become role models
follow clear routines that help us learn and have simple, effective procedures that are consistently applied.
caring for themselves, their learning and their development and others.
qaîdeyên û hêviyên
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tevgerê ji bo hînbûna hêviyên 'AR'
MCPA School Rules:
Ready; to focus on learning!
Safe; looking after our school and everyone in it.
Respectful; of everyone!
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poster sîstema karta
Class dojo
Destpêka dojo
Çîroka Dojo
xalên Dojo
Class dojo
The academy ensures that all members of staff motivate learners and promote the highest standards of behaviour, within the context of learning, by using a variety of rewards to recognise positive behaviour.
ClassDojo enables staff to;
Award feedback points for specific ‘community qualities’ and class specific accomplishments
Let pupils reflect on their in-class performance with their pupil accounts
Support children in building positive learning habits
Break down potential barriers between the classroom and home
Keep parents informed about child’s progress
At MCPA we use ‘Class Dojo’ to record and track Dojos/house points that have been awarded. Pupils are awarded Dojos/house points in celebration of them demonstrating one of our ‘Community Qualities’ or for showing they have consistently met the class target for that week.
Dojo points are calculated each week and ‘Dojo Champions’ from each class are recognised & celebrated in our weekly celebration assembly.