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Miss Carty & Miss Bergin-Williams
Hi my name is Miss Carty and I am the PE lead at MCPA. PE has always been a favourite subject of mine both as a student
and a teacher. I come from a sporting and coaching background specialising in gymnastics. Miss Bergin-Williams and I plan and
teach PE across the school. Miss Bergin-Williams also comes from a sporting background, specialising in swimming. Miss Begin-Williams
has competed nationally and coached swimming for many years. Together we want to bring knowledge, skills and expertise to MCPA,
in order to ensure high quality sessions in all areas of the PE curriculum and offer a wide range of sports. We use the Get Set 4
PE scheme which has proven very popular with our pupils.
Miss Bergin-Williams and I are passionate about providing all of our pupils with the opportunity to compete in a variety of competitions, tournaments and games in Greater Manchester. We both deliver a range of competitive sports clubs throughout the year and across all year groups.
We have a big drive on ‘Active Play Times’ ensuring all children develop their health and fitness and have the opportunity to both practise skills and take part in sports at break and lunch times. Our aim is for all pupils to have a good understanding about the positive effects that exercise has on the mind and body.
British Values
Democracy - Children are taught about different roles and responsibilities. We teach children how to work in teams.
Rule of Law - Children are taught about rules for conduct and different roles of different sports. Children are taught how to win
and lose fairly, and understand good sportsmanship. We teach our children good social skills and etiquette related to competitions.
Respect and Tolerance - Pupils are taught to respect equipment. Children are taught how to behave in competitions. Children have opportunities to engage in competitions in our area and wider afield. Children are taught to respect cultural differences in sport.
Individual Liberty - Children are taught to express their opinions and respect others views. Children are taught to make judgements
about their own and others' performance. Children are taught to feel safe.
Cultural Capital
Children will learn a variety of skills. They will be able to understand the mutual respect needed to compete in a sporting competition.
This will be evident through the work they conduct themselves when they compete. They will be tolerant of the different faiths and
beliefs that contribute to the team in competitions locally. They are to be compliant with the rules of a game and that we live in
a democratic society where both men and women can play mixed sports.
Dance - Children may demonstrate knowledge of the history of dance, and its cultural impact on the world.
They may be able to reflect on different styles of dance, influenced by different cultures and both national and international histories.
Children may demonstrate an awareness of socio-economic influences in different dance histories, such as hip-hop, ballet and
folk and begin to compare and contrast the different styles.
Spiritual - PE lessons include teamwork, self-reflection, aspirations to improve performance, rules, sportsmanship and etiquette
and an appreciation of sports from all around the world. Through dance, gymnastics and games across the school, pupils are
encouraged to be creative, designing and creating their own small sided games or by expressing feelings in their dance and
gymnastic performances. In PE lessons children are encouraged to delve deeper into their understanding of their body
and how to maximise/improve their performance both individually and as part of a team.
Moral - Children make choices regarding rules, sportsmanship, tactics, and positions. PE teachers children about code of
conduct, rules, etiquette and fair play unwritten rules. Competitive games provide our children with leadership opportunities.
They develop the ability to tell between right and wrong through fair play in lessons, events such as sports day and in competitive
situations when representing the school in the local area. PE encourages children to be understanding of the ability of others
and the need to be supportive rather than critical when playing as part of a team or when competing against other individuals or teams.
Social - PE allows all children to develop the necessary skills to work in teams and pairs as the majority of activities are based around
team games or creating sequences in groups. Giving children roles such as; leaders, coaches, umpires or referees offers them the opportunity to develop communication, leadership and mediation skills. Problem solving skills and teamwork are fundamental to PE
through creative thinking, discussion, performance and the explanation, demonstration and presentation of ideas. Pupils are encouraged
to develop their reasoning and decision making skills communicating with others and explaining concepts with each other. Through
various different competitive games and competitions children are encouraged to work with and socialise with a variety of other children
they may not normally choose to mix with in classroom situations.
Cultural - Being part of a multicultural school based in a multicultural area provides our children with the tolerance and
understanding that race, gender, religion and any other minority groups are not discriminated against in PE and sports as they are
not in any other subject. The children learn about the development of sports in different countries, learning where sports
originated from, exploring and respecting a variety of different cultural dances
Personal Development
With the capacity to improve everything from physical & mental health to developing social and cognitive capabilities, our
well-rounded PE curriculum here at MCPA plays an important role in the health and personal development of our children, establishing positives habits, attitudes and lifestyles that will support them throughout their lives. PE is known to have a positive impact on
your physical well-being; we teach children the importance of being and remaining active; encouraging them to develop
exercise/active ‘habits’ reinforcing the swathe of health benefits. We also believe our approach has psychological benefits for pupils
and contributes positively to both positive mental health and cognitive abilities.
Social and emotional aspects of learning and well-being are also heavily promoted through our PE curriculum. As lessons are
normally group-focused they typically involve working together in group exercises and team sports, often requiring effective
communication to reach a common goal; we work hard to support pupils in building social and leadership skills along with
improvements in self-confidence, creation of friendships and enhancement of communication skills. We also aim to boost cognitive
ability, memory, focus, self-control, and emotional regulation.
Regular exercise reduces tension, stabilises mood levels and provides an opportunity for physical expression and exertion;
endorphins released while exercising have a positive effect on your mood and at MCPA we find our PE lessons provide a fantastic
outlet for pupils to reduce anxiety; develop social skills and friendships; boost self-esteem, and in doing so improve a child’s mental
health and personal development.
Trips and enrichment
ESA: dodgeball, benchball, boxing, football, dance, fundamental skill development, sports leaders/ physical activity leaders.
Competitive sports: basketball, football, netball, gymnastics, rounders, cricket.
Active playtimes and resources (trim trails, bikes, scooters, basketball and football courts).
Opportunity to watch the British Gymnastics championships at the Eco arena.